Sunday, September 27, 2015

Strong Lightning

Stop Motion Tree from Daniel Harper on Vimeo.
This project was more time consuming than we expected. I helped out with the cutting of the pieces and the setting up and moving of the pieces. In addition to that I edited it all and did all the voices in it. We used a program called DragonFrame along with a camera to take a photo of each frame. I used After Effects to put together the frames in their proper positions and also to sync the voices with the characters.

Stop Motion Animatic

Lightning from Daniel Harper on Vimeo.
This is the animatic for the stop motion project. I was in a group with 3 other people and we had drawn out each frame, scanned the drawings and then added color to them in Photoshop.

Bouncing Ball

Bouncing Ball from Daniel Harper on Vimeo.
 For this project I used Adobe Flash for the first time. Was showing squeeze, squash and stretch on the bouncing ball.